Virtual Reality for Language Learning 2.0

ELTons finalist
What is VR for Language Learning?
Virtual Reality has become one of the most innovative teaching tools in many educational sectors. Through this project, we are developing an innovative platform for carrying out collaborative group language exercises in the classroom. These will provide an opportunity for students to practise the target language in a fully immersive way, mimicking the well-established methodology of ‘Total Physical Response’ in a way that has not been used in language learning before.

Get ready for a journey filled with groundbreaking VR content set to revolutionize language education
Project title: Virtual Reality for Language Learning 2.0
Project no. 2023-1-HR01-KA220-ADU-000151917
Project implementation period: 01.11.2023. – 31.10.2026

High Quality Outputs
Throughout this project, we are going to create innovative intellectual outputs!
Virtual Learning Environments

Virtual Escape Rooms

The competitive edge
These tools will enhance the effectiveness of language learning by boosting the motivation of students, increasing communicative competencies, improving student focus on details and enhancing their cognitive skills.
The immersive audio-visual experience of VR stimulates greater retention of information.
VR enhances focus on details by immersing students in context-rich environments.
VR naturally compels the students to use language without being cued by the teacher.
Capitalising on innovation allows us to capture our students’ interest and imagination.
VR fosters interactivity among students through immersive, collaborative environments.